Thursday, August 20, 2009


Maintenance Check List
Type of Service:
Once a Month.1. Check fan bearings and lubricate,if necessary.2. Check tightness and adjustment ofthrust collars on sleeve bearing unitsand locking collars on ball bearing units.3. Check belt tension and adjustif necessary. For gear drive units, checkoil level. 4. Clean strainer (if atmosphere isextremely dirty, it may be necessary toclean strainer weekly).5. Check for biological growth in basin.Consult water treatment specialist ifsuch growth is not under control.6. Clean and flush basin.7. Check spray distribution system. Checkspray branches and clean as necessary.Check and re-position nozzles, if necessary.8. Check operating water level in the basinand adjust float valve, if required.9. Check bleed rate and adjustif necessary.10. Check fans and air inlet screensand remove any dirt or debris.

Once a Year:
Inspect and clean protective finish inside and out. Look particularly for any signs of spot corrosion. Clean and refinish any damaged protective coating.Before undertaking start-up procedures or performing inspection or maintenance of BAC equipment, make certain the power hasbeen disconnected. Refer to appropriate operating and maintenance manuals and comply with all caution label instructions.Suggestions for Spring Start-Up ofYour Evaporative Cooling Equipment1. Inspect the Unit.a. Check position of strainer screens and air inlet screens to besure screens have not shifted during shutdown.b. Check fans, bearings, fan motors, and pumps (if applicable) forlubrication. See item 5.c. Rotate all fan shafts by hand to make sure they turn freely.
d. Check fan motors for proper rotation. Directional arrows on fancowls or housings indicate correct rotation.e. Clear fans of any trash or debris that may have accumulatedduring shutdown.f. Check make-up valve for shut-off ability. Check float ball for buoyancy.g. Check spray nozzles for proper distribution.h. Check surface for scale, sludge or debris and clean if necessary.i. Check access door gaskets and replace, if necessary.j. Check the condition of the cooling tower fill. If it is clogged ordeteriorated, replace it with Factory Authorized Replacement Fill.2. Inspection of Casing.a. While the unit is still drained, thoroughly inspect the unit casing.Clean and touch-up any areas showing signs of deterioration.For galvanized steel construction units, any damaged areashould be cleaned to bare metal and refinished with Zinc-Rich Compound (ZRC). This is also the time when any casing jointleaks can be easily repaired.b. Remove any deposits that have built up and were not cleared byflushing the basin. Touch up the area beneath deposits as required.3. Fill the Cold Water Basin withFresh Water to the Overflow level.a. At initial start-up or before restart-up where the basin wascompletely drained; the initial biocide treatment should beapplied at this time (see Water Treatment section of theappropriate maintenance manual).b. Following a shut-down period, where the basin was notcompletely drained: It is recommended that an initial shocktreatment of appropriate biocides be administered at restart-upto eliminate accumulated biological contaminants.4. Fill Basin with Water and Check FloatValve Level.After the unit has been in operation under load for several days,operating water level should be checked. Check the Operating andMaintenance Manual to determine the proper operating water level.5. Adjust Belt Tension of Fan Motors.Proper belt tension is determined by pressing against a single beltmidway between sheaves with one finger, which should deflect thebelt 1/2” with moderate pressure. To adjust belts, loosen locknut onthe motor base and rotate the exterior nut as necessary. Re-tightenlocknut and recheck tension.6. Lubricate Bearings.a. Sleeve Bearings: Use the BAC oil that was shipped with the unit.During the first week of operation, refill each bearing cup severaltimes to saturate the felt wick in the bearing cartridge. DO NOT USE OILS CONTAINING DETERGENTS FOR LUBRICATION.b. Ball Bearings: Purge bearings with new grease.c. Fan Motors/Pumps (If applicable): Lubrication should be inaccordance with motor manufacturer’s recommendations.Suggestions for WinterizingEvaporative Cooling Equipment:
1. Provision must be made to protect the water in the basin fromfreezing when the unit is idle. This can be accomplished by usinga remote sump installed in a heated space or installing steam/hotwater coils or electric immersion heaters in thetower basin.2.All outdoor water lines, including the make-up water line to theunit and drain lines from the unit should be traced with heatercable and insulated.3. During operation, frequent visual inspections of the unit mustbe performed regularly to:a. Insure all operating controls are properly set and functioningnormally.b. Insure the method of freeze prevention is effective.c. Discover any icing conditions before they develop to the pointwhere the unit is damaged or system performance is impaired.4. A regular preventive maintenance program must be establishedand carried out despite adverse weather conditions. Itemscovered should include:a. Regular lubrication of moving parts.b. Regular checking of the make-up value and cleaning ofstrainers to prevent high water levels in basin.c. Regular checking and cleaning of hot water distribution systemto assure uniform flow over unit.Coil Protection for Closed CircuitCooling Towers1. Charge the coil with ethylene glycol to prevent the system fluid from freezing. The percentage of ethylene glycol should be determined based upon the conditions in your area.2. If no ethylene glycol is used, adequate* flow through the coil must be maintained so that the temperature of the circulating fluid is never less than 45°F.3. During light load periods, artificial heat should be applied directly to the circulating fluid.A vacuum breaker or air vent should be installed at the high point of the system and an adequately sized drain should be installed At the low point to permit emergency drainage of the coil.5. All outdoor water lines and the spray pump body should be traced with heating cable and insulated.*See appropriate product information for details.We would like to emphasize again the importance of frequent, regularvisual inspection of the units while in operation during the wintermonths. Early detection of a potential cold weather problem can oftenresult in a simple, inexpensive remedy now, rather than a major repairand inconvenience later.

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